Monday, August 26, 2013

Accessing your "Inner Pharmacy"

I first heard the term “inner pharmacy” when watching a Deepak Chopra video on healing the body.  In Ayurvedic medicine, an ancient form of medical practice originating from India,  accessing the inner pharmacy applies to using all your senses in the process of healing.  For a complete description of Ayurveda:

In my coaching practice,  I use the term “inner pharmacy” to apply to our mindset and ability to leverage your body’s natural ability to heal itself.  Our bodies are amazing self-healing machines.  Every 3-4 days your stomach lining regenerates, your body creates and replaces skin cells every 27 days, and several million red blood cells are replaced every second.  The better we can get at supporting the body’s own ability to heal itself, the more quickly we will heal and the longer we will stay in a healthy state.
Some ways to support your body naturally are to develop healthy habits in dealing with stress, exercising as a way of life, and using food as medicine.   When I have a headache, I don’t immediately reach for aspirin.  I check in with my body to see if I’m dehydrated, hungry or under stress.  Then I can either meditate, eat, drink water, or use supportive herbs to lessen the pain.

That’s not to say that I am against modern medicine and drugs as there is definitely a purpose for these things, but probably not as our first choice or “go to” for every little ache and pain we have.

As a health coach, I believe in an integrative approach to health, incorporating both allopathic and alternative methods of healing.   When we equip ourselves with all the tools we can to support our best health,  we are more confident in our ability to heal.