friend of mine ended up in the hospital recently, finding himself faced with
some serious health challenges. During the first few visits, I started to
notice how us “visitors” were unintentionally bringing our friend negative
energy. We constantly talked about his current condition in his presence,
the negative aspects, etc. Even though our friend was somewhat sedated, I
believe he could still hear and “take in” what was being said. Wanting to
reverse the trend, on my next visit I brought a card with an affirmation on
it. At that time, my friend was less sedated and able to converse.
I explained to him what an affirmation is and how good words can be good medicine,
and that a positive attitude is just as important to contributing to healing as
drugs and other types of medical care. I then looked into his eyes and
read him the affirmation: “Every cell in my body is alive with health
and energy. My immune system is strong. My body has a remarkable
capacity for healing. Every resource I need for my healing comes to me.”
I told my friend I would leave the card with him and that every time someone
visits him, I would like him to ask the visitor to read the affirmation to him.
My friend did so, and over the next few days we watched his attitude, and along
with that, his health start to improve. I believe that “good words” can
contribute to good medicine. It certainly can’t hurt.
The power of
the spoken word is tremendous. Keep it positive – your body will thank you!
For more information on studies being conducted about
positive thinking, follow the link below: